Thursday, August 19, 2010


Buenas tardes, mi amigos! I am posting this in the afternoon so that hopefully I will go to bed earlier tonight.

Today Dad woke me up at 7:30 (our alarm went off at 7:40) and we had breakfast by eight. Daniel felt better and went and worked with us today but Jason stayed behind with his sickness. Had about 50 kids at the morning VBS, they did the cross craft. Had lunch-chicken, rice with ham and vegetables, tomatoes, mango, cookies. Finished the concrete floor today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooo excited. Tomorrow we start brick-laying. At the afternoon VBS we had 106 kids. We made a heart craft to remind us of Jesus' death. Cory popped his shoulder out and had to rest. He tried to work with one hand but it wasn't working out so well. Providentially, he did it right before lunch so he had to rest for awhile. Today was the most humid it had been-we all feel hot and sticky. We left around four-thirty and right now, we are taking our showers. At 6:30 Pastor Denny (sp?) will pick us up to go have dinner at his house. We wrote our church name y Leo (a Bolivian man) y Marvin (19-year-old) y a verse in Mateo (Matthew) but we didn't all sign it because they are going to put tile over it. The building is going to be two-story with the bottom story being Sunday School rooms y the top floor being the pastor's house. Right now they are living in Sunday School rooms behind the church. Last night some Bolivians stayed up until two o'clock putting tiles on the floor in the sanctuary. The first night we were there the floor was a little more than halfway tiled and the rest was concrete (which, when we ran on it, kicked up A LOT of dust). The next day they had put six more tiles and Tuesday had completed that row (maybe 13 tiles). Last night they put in another row. The tiles are about twice the size of a pillow...roughly the size of a pillow. They cost 17 US dollars each. The church sells produce and whatever profit they get goes to buy the tiles. The VBS kids weren't as well behaved this morning. They weren't as good in the afternoon either, but I expected 50 kids to be better than 106. Danielle y Roxy are amazing.
Pardon. (sorry) I know I am hopping around from one thing to another, but I just need to get all my thoughts and memory out before I forget. I don't ever want to forget a single detail of this.
Funny story: Tuesday Abby drank gasoline. She didn't want me to tell but now I can. It's funny because there's no danger. She didn't swallow it. Extra gasoline was being stored in water bottles. We needed the gasoline to run the cement mixer. (We are borrowing an electric one right now because the gasoline one is giving us too much trouble.) So she poured some gasoline into her water bottle and tried to drink it. It fell out of her mouth. She poured another sip. It fell out as well (and people don't believe in God or angels). Then she tasted it. And started throwing up. Lynn came outside (we were all starting work) and told us that Abby just drank gasoline. Of course, we all thought that she was kidding. Needless to say, we no longer are storing gasoline in water bottles and Abby now smells every water bottle she drinks.

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